my ecstasy-induced acquaintance from work (note: not my co-workers as we have no professional dealings with each other whatsoever), told me today that one of HIS co-workers is a part-time porn actress.
my intial reaction was
"get out of here!", and said that just because she has a big house with a nice swimming pool at a posh location, but having a 'less important' position than him does not mean that she has additional 'jobs' to maintain her rather lavish possessions.
but he said that he is not lying and showed me the website to prove him right
(and also to show that he is not intoxicated in any manner).hold and behold! there she was, right on the main page of a dutch porn website..showing off her jugs and all, it was dirty pictures,
i'll tell ya!. even though you have to pay if you want to see more of her dirty actions and videos, lest just say that it was enough to see.
i don't think i could look at her the same way again, especially with the thoughts of her dirty pictures are still sticking in my mind.
and just when i thought that nothing will ever suprise me in the netherlands, it has never failed to show me new perspectives of life, in this case, my work life....
porn free me,