Friday, August 03, 2007

:: cycle to the beach-day ::

looking at the great sunny and clear blue skies outside, a thought just came to my mind "let's cycle to the beach!"


as an islander from singapore, every time should i head out to any beaches - to cycle was never an option, it was either the bus/train or to drive.

all it takes here to cycle to the beach (and a nude one it is) are just two road junctions and about 15 minutes worth of pedal-power. the green arrow in the map above is where i live and on the far left is where scheveningen beach is, with the 'naturist' one closer to home :-)

so, in an hour or so (depending on my mood and the sun!) I will need to do some workout, and perhaps find a nice spot to suntan - especially my white legs.

'till then,

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