Thursday, March 20, 2008

:: why am i always away on my birthday? ::

it struck to me that since 2004, i am never home for on my birthday, either i'm overseas or in an airplane. perhaps i just like to see my birth date stamped on my passport.

2004 - in bangkok
2005 - in phuket
2006 - in den haag (this is closest to home perhaps)
2007 - in a plane from singapore to amsterdam
2008 - technically speaking, in a train from amsterdam airport too ...

i think i will do it grand once every 10 years...a big party with close friends and family, that will take a long time..haha

ps: thanks to facebook, dozens of friends sent nice birthday greetings...thanks for reminding me the joy of growing old.

1 comment:

happyamsguy said...

I spoke with you on your birthday and you didn't even tell me! Happy (belated) birthday! Hugs from Singapore