Sunday, March 23, 2008

:: singapore girl gets a makeover?::

when i had to change my flight from london to amsterdam last week, the ticketing guy (who looked at my singapore passport) asked me if i have arrived from singapore via the inaugural A380 flight on 18 march 2008.

sheepishly, i replied that i did not (but a colleague got that chance when he make a return trip to singapore from heathrow next week, well...good for him).

no wonder when i thought i saw this advertisement in the guardian when i was in london, i thought the ad look a big different than usual SIA images.

the ad agency has (finally) changed, and its causing some discomfort to some people....i realised that in my last flight from singapore, the pilot made this last statement upon arrival "thanks for flying singapore airlines, the great way to fly...", was that the last time that i will hear it - now that tagline is no longer in used?

great way or not, i am still a sucker for SIA even though their krisflyer program is one of the suckest in the world....

ps: if you fly with me, i am great-ful to you? get it?....x

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