Monday, July 12, 2004

:: the resignation ::

:: the resignation letter ::

It is not easy to leave your job, especially so when one does not have any compelling 'push' factor to do so.

After 2 years of faithful and dedicated service, I have decided to is not easy because of the many friendships cultivated and exciting challenges that I have encountered and learned.

I was in the same firm before, it was my 1st job when I graduated from the university, initially I was there for 3 years. I left and re-joined after 2 years because of new opportunities which was opened for me. For that, I am externally grateful.

But I had to leave. The new exposures and challenges in my new job proved too resist to say 'no'. I have always wanted to travel for work, and I have got this chance now. Singapore is getting on my nerves at times, I need to survive in a bigger pond, perhaps.

Wish me luck....

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