so long...maybe next time...our vibes will connect (other than your fabulous shopping grooves)
"promise #1: i will go to west end for (at least), les miserables "
"promise #2 : no more photos of london eye"
"promise #3 : not going to stare at St Stephen's Tower @ The Palace of
Westminister at wee hours in total darkness and imagining seeing things..."
Saturday, August 26, 2006
:: last nite in london ::
Posted by
.: aGent X ::..
12:50 PM
Friday, August 25, 2006
:: why work and shopping don't mix ::
one of my shopping blunders so far this year was to window-shop under the influence of boredom.
sir mohamed al-fayed of harrods must be delighted with idea of impulsive shoppers as myself.
"fools...all these plebians..who can't resist the luxuries of my store"
with the bank holiday looming away on monday, the office was pretty much inspiring and quiet...with all my deliverables and work are completed - i decided to take some time-off in the afternoon to 'window-shop' at west end london.
bad mistake!
three hours of walking around and only about 30 minutes of real (unplanned and foolish)shopping, my feet were well-worn and tired....and my piggy bank became anorexic instantenously...
i had to seat down and looking at the london eye (again!) before making my way back to the hotel...wondering what to do with the bags and wallet that i do not need.
another lesson learnt : don't wear work shoes to window shop..(i wonder how women survived with the high heels)
Posted by
.: aGent X ::..
3:49 PM
:: tip #32 on how to attract foreign talents to singapore ::
have good variety of food - no, not just about the different kinds of cuisines and cooking style.
i am talking about food variations which people with all kind of faith and beliefs can eat.
what's the point of having fancy asian/fusion/european/african and alien eateries when your vegan or muslim or jew friends can't join in the food experience?
at my client's canteen (which is truly an international and global organisation), take a look of the menu of the week.
i wonder how many singapore food courts and government canteens can match this up.
only then, can we truly become a global city with truly talented 'foreign talent'....of course those who are not in the 'norm' food chain must also give-and-take once a while-lah!
Posted by
.: aGent X ::..
2:52 PM
Thursday, August 24, 2006
:: eye in the sky ::
i have a camera after all, even though its from a crappy LG800 mobile phone.
i think i have enough of the london eye - i see it everywhere i go....
on the way from work to dinner at SoHo (heheh..) .....every evening.
from my hotel room...
on the way to hotel room from work....every evening.
but i have to stay that due to its sheer size - it's hard not to ignore it.
and i am still not doing any further sights and sounds of london ..just work, hotel, dinner.
maybe i would have more motivation over the weekends before i return to holland
Posted by
.: aGent X ::..
1:26 PM
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
:: i am afraid ::
i get paranoid in london...with the security people everywhere, the sound of sirens from the police patrol cars, the delays and cancellations of trains, flights and buses.
"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life;
for there is in London all that life can afford."from Boswell's Life of Johnson
(Dr Samuel Johnson)
it is a vibrant city? you bet....sometimes i wonder if i am in karachi or mumbay or shanghai.
in singapore, we promote good english campaign - the desire to speak to be understood.
here, you just need to ask native speakers to repeat because you can't listen to their accents and/or slangs clearly.
i just don't like it here.
Posted by
.: aGent X ::..
4:41 PM
Monday, August 21, 2006
:: london calling ::
i am in london now...for a week for business.
just when i thought that i would have some little time to do the tourist-y bits in london this time round....i have totally forgotten my camera and toothbrush.
so much of trying to catch up with london after my last express trip.
and to add salt to the wound...the weather is great and expecting it to be so in the following days...
Posted by
.: aGent X ::..
9:16 AM
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
:: happy 48th maddie ::
you rock!
it only seems like yesterday when i wish you a healthy and prosperous birthday!
Posted by
.: aGent X ::..
11:21 AM
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
:: Majulah Singapura! ::
Why would I wear a campy tanktop with SINGAPORE written boldly across my the streets of Amsterdam (other than the blazing summer)?
It's because it's National Day and I love Singapore.....
Happy 41st! are young.

Posted by
.: aGent X ::..
7:41 PM
:: should i stay or should i go ::
i'm in a dilemma with these 2 options right now:
1) a job offer to be based in europe - better $$ and benefits, but also means a lot of tax! more travel and being away from home much longer time, missing my family and cat!
2) stay as it is - singapore $$ (damn!) but expat benefits....but god-knows when will this project ever ends (i was supposed to be here for 3 months...end up a year now!)
so, what say you? any inspirations?
Posted by
.: aGent X ::..
1:20 PM