Friday, September 09, 2005

:: dating the hague ::

sorry for the long overdue post, i have been taking things the dutch way and i must say that i have changed quite a bit :D

i am taking things slow right now, no more weekend plans to paris, london or amsterdam...but i think i love it best when i am just enjoying the city that i am right now, that is, the hague.

i'm getting in love with this city, everyday means more new people to know and new experiences to discover. whatever stereotypes and prejudices that i have towards the dutch have disappeared.

now, i am even thinking of finding longer term projects so that i could stay here longer.

2 nights ago, i was watching the world-cup qualifier soccer - rooting for holland of course. since it was just at a cafe just opposite my hotel (yeah, i've more opposite the nudist beach anymore)... it was fun...considering that i have known about 50 new people...people that i have no association at all from work.

i am cycling to work (no more trams for me), went to friend's birthday party, getting invites to people's home...friendships are very warm here, something which i have missed much in asia. we do not hug and kiss enough, i think..but then again, we are after all..easterners.

this is fun, its getting ever more fun everyday. sadly, i do not miss singapore that much now...except for my loved ones back home...including my cat.

where shall i end?...i can't see to be enjoying this life when i am eventually posted to kuala lumpur to work...once this beautiful dream has ended.


:: indian summer at the hague ::